Empowerment is a fundamental pillar within the Multi Annual Programme Plan (MAPP) implemented by Auschidys Disability Africa, dedicated to fostering inclusion and empowering caregivers to effectively meet their daily responsibilities. Through innovative initiatives and community-driven programs, Auschidys Disability Africa is uplifting caregivers, promoting self-reliance, and enhancing the overall quality of life for families.

Auschidys Disability Africa’s empowerment initiatives for caregivers include:

Table Banking Programme: Auschidys initiated a table banking programme where all 20 parents/caregivers of individuals with disabilities are registered participants. This programme operates on a collaborative savings and lending model, where caregivers meet twice a month for fellowship and contribute their savings to a collective fund. The table banking system empowers caregivers economically by providing access to financial resources for small-scale businesses and household needs.

Board Member Contributions: All nine board members of Auschidys Disability Africa actively contribute to boost the table banking fund. This collective effort enhances the financial capacity of the programme, allowing for increased lending to caregivers based on their savings. Board member contributions demonstrate a commitment to supporting caregivers and fostering community development.

Small Business Development: Caregivers are encouraged to borrow against their savings from the table banking programme to start or expand small businesses within the community. This initiative not only provides caregivers with additional income but also promotes entrepreneurship and economic empowerment at the grassroots level.

Future Plans for Farming and Soap Making Production: Auschidys Disability Africa has strategic plans to introduce farming and soap making projects for caregivers. These initiatives will provide sustainable employment opportunities and generate additional income for families. Farming activities will keep caregivers engaged and productive while contributing to food security, while soap making production offers a viable business venture that can be managed from home.

The impact of Auschidys Disability Africa’s empowerment pillar is transformative. By equipping caregivers with financial resources, entrepreneurial skills, and opportunities for sustainable livelihoods, Auschidys Disability Africa fosters independence and resilience within families affected by disabilities. These initiatives not only enhance caregivers’ ability to meet daily responsibilities but also promote social inclusion and economic stability within communities. Through the Empowerment pillar of the Multi Annual Programme Plan, Auschidys Disability Africa exemplifies its commitment to creating inclusive and supportive environments where caregivers can thrive and families can flourish. By investing in empowerment, Auschidys is laying the groundwork for lasting change and improving the overall well-being of individuals with disabilities and their caregivers.